User or entity registration To be able to make reservations for the use of the DroneLab, request registration for you or your organization by filling in the following form with your data. These data will be used for the billing of the service. Keep in mind that when making a space reservation you will be able to fill in the identity document numbers of the people who will access it. Adreça de correu electrònic Aquest camp no es podrà modificar un cop donat d'alta l'usuari Username DNI Contact number Grouping to which it belongs Per exemple: UPC-Docència, Nom_institució,... _________________________________ BILLING DATA: A nom de qui s'ha de facturar: Entitat Usuari Name of entity or user Invoicing NIF or DNI Fiscal address Location Postal code Comments Consent for the processing of your personal data according to the privacy policy Privacy policy Submit Reinicia Thanks. Once you are registered you will receive a confirmation message, from that moment you will be able to make reservations on the Service. Thank you. Once you are registered, you will receive a confirmation message, from that moment you will be able to make reservations on the Service.